Guardian Træolie med voks

Guardian Wood Oil with wax is for all untreated and oiled woods. It protects wood from desiccation, makes it water resistant and leaves a silky matt appearance.

Untreated oak - Treated oak
Guardian Sortpigmenteret Olie

Guardian Black-Pigmented Oil is for oiling untreated wood where a black pigment is desired, or for caring for already black pigmented oiled wood. The oil contains no solvents, is based on the finest and cleanest oils, is water resistant and protects the wood from desiccation. Guardian Black-Pigmented Oil has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Sortpigmenteret Olie - Indeklimamærket
Guardian Gråtonet Olie

Guardian Gray-Toned Oil is for oiling untreated wood where a greyed colour is desired, or for caring for greyed oiled wood. The oil contains no solvents, is based on the finest and cleanest oils, is water resistant and protects the wood from desiccation. Guardian Gray-Toned Oil has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Gråtonet Olie - indeklimamærket
Guardian Hvidpigmenteret Olie

Guardian White-Pigmented Oil is for oiling untreated wood where a white pigment is desired, or for caring for already white-pigmented oiled wood. The oil contains no solvents, is based on the finest and cleanest oils, is water resistant and protects the wood from desiccation. Guardian White-Pigmented Oil has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Træsæbe, hvidpigmenteret - indeklimamærket
Guardian Ædeltræsolie

Guardian Wood Oil is for the maintenance of untreated or oiled furniture made from hardwoods such as beech, ash, oak, teak, merbau and the like. This turpentine-free oil is based on the finest and cleanest oils, is water resistant and protects the wood from desiccation. Guardian Wood Oil has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Ædeltræsolie - indeklimamærket
Guardian Bio-Olie

Guardian Bio-Oil is for the oiling of soft woods such as pine and spruce (lye treated). The oil is water resistant and protects the wood from desiccation. Guardian Bio-Oil contains the finest and cleanest oils and contains no solvents. Guardian Bio-Oil has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Bio Olie - indeklimamærket
Guardian Træsæbe hvidpigmenteret

Guardian Wood Soap Whitepigmented is for protecting and caring for untreated or soap treated wood, where a whitewash surface is desired – “White Wash”. The product is cooked in palm kernel oil and coconut oil and contains no perfumes, colours, optical brighteners or bleach. The Wood Soap is premixed and ready for use. Guardian Wood Soap Whitepigmented has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Guardian Træsæbe natur

Guardian Wood Soap Natural is for protecting and caring for untreated or soap treated wood. The product is cooked in palm kernel oil and coconut oil and contains no perfumes, colours, optical brighteners or bleach. The Wood Soap is premixed and ready for use. Guardian Wood Soap Natural has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.

Guardian Træsæbe, natur indeklimamærket
Guardian Sæbespåner

Guardian Soap Flakes is cooked in palm kernel oil and coconut oil and contains no perfumes, colours, optical brighteners or bleach, and is “the old fashion way” to care for both leather and wood. Guardian Soap Flakes has been tested by the Danish Technological Institute and have been awarded “The Indoor Climate Label”.
